
What Younger Buyers Want Most in a New Home? A Warm Community

A new generation of homebuyers is redefining what a traditional “dream home” looks like. Unlike their parents, these younger buyers are looking for a close-in commute, great amenities, the lower maintenance of a new home, smaller square footage and, most importantly, a lively community. This description sounds a LOT like MorningStar, located a short hop from Austin in the gorgeous Texas Hill Country. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Unlike members of their generation who can’t... View Article

Let’s Have a Show of Hands. Who’s Ready to Make Their Own Sanitizer?

In a previous post, we pointed out the new realities of working at home. Residents of MorningStar have taken advantage of living in the beautiful, safe surroundings of this planned community and set up home offices and even digital distance-learning for their children. As social distancing tactics are implemented to reduce the possibility of infection from this virus, the entire family is pretty much stuck at home most days. However, there are still times when someone must venture out to... View Article